If you are a pet lover, you will surely know how to interpret signals, behavior and sounds made by your dog to send a message to you. These precious creatures may not be blessed with a speaking tongue and a face that can show a thousand emotions, but they certainly found a way how to make humans feel acknowledged. It doesn’t take an expert to be able to understand dogs, as science has already proven that the years of constant exposure to one another, dogs and humans have already formed a bond unlike any other. But what about the dog to dog communication? Is there a way for us, owners to understand whether our furry buddies are already engaging a war? Or are we able to know whether they are just merely playing? Here are some tips.
Dogs rarely show facial expressions when they communicate with one another. This type of behavior is only reserved for humans – as this is also our main way of communication, seen by our pets. When dogs try to tell each other something, they use their whole body and movements. They roll, jump, run and turn around and around. One of the most common behaviors is the “Play bow” where dogs literally bow on their two front legs and they move their head towards the floor. In the doggy world, this is a sign of apology when play becomes too rough, and at the same time, encouraging the other dog to continue play. Another is the “Paw slap” where a dog places its paw on the body (usually on the back) of another. This only means one thing – “I trust you, buddy”. When dogs rear on their hind legs when they play, they are sending affectionate signals to one another. It is as if saying “I like you, let’s continue playing” or “I think we can be members of the same pack, let’s play!”. Last and most probably the most confusing canine behavior to humans is biting. Sometimes, humans panic when they see their dogs try to munch on each other’s ears, back and tail. This is normal and this is just how they play. Unless you hear growling and straightening of the tail and hair, you have nothing to worry about. They know how to avoid the sensitive areas of the bodies of their playmates and not cause trouble. They are pack animals, they are trained to protect each other.