Best Friends Forever

Comfortable and easygoing puppies make grooming a shih tzu a game

If you ever wanted your kids to experience fun and play as they grow up, the best way is through grooming a shih tzu at your home. Right from the moment you bring home your favorite puppy, till the day your kid reaches teens, you can watch them grow in each other’s companionship. This is also one of the most sensible ways of teaching your kids to socialize and make friends. The newly adopted puppy may experience some hesitations in your home as it is new. However, if you show love and affection, it will easily adapt itself within a short time.


Try matching bows for dog and daughter. Adorable!

Family Companionship

You will be able to groom your shih tzu better if your entire family starts sharing moments with the puppy. This is similar to grooming your kid at the early ages. Dependency on a single person could make the puppy feel isolated, if that person is out of home.

Regular Food Habits

In the initial stages, you might opt for free-feeding. You keep refilling the bowl as and when it gets empty. This can be continued until s/he is 1 year old. After that it is better to switch over to a fixed schedule. You can get better ideas from the dog-breeder. Once you fix the schedule, it is better not to alter it. This will also help maintain its digestive systems in good condition in the long run.

Regular Potty Habits

Cultivate the habit of potty outside your home’s premises. Though it may be difficult to practice in the initial stages, the puppy will learn the routine over time. If you are able to instill the right kind of practice, you can observe that your pet’s health will be maintained at optimum levels.

Regular Exercises And Games

This will obviously keep your puppy in good physical condition. Besides, it gives the much needed psychological freedom, too. Attachment with your family members will grow over time. Your kids will also get some time away from their routine life to play and have fun with their favorite pet.

Choosing The Right Dog-House

Though you may love to keep your favorite shih tzu always with you, it is suggested that you allow some privacy to your pet at times. This will help in making it feel independent. If you have space in your home or garden, you could get a neat and tidy doghouse where s/he could relax and sleep.

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